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The September issue of Linux Journal will be hitting the newsstands August 7. The focus of this issue is Graphics and Multimedia and we have feature articles on LibGGI, Open Inventor, XIE, VTK, SGI audio applications and more. Check out the Table of Contents at https://www.linuxjournal.com/issue53/index.html. To subscribe to Linux Journal, go to https://www.linuxjournal.com/ljsubsorder.html.
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 09:49:44 GMT
Caldera is pleased to announce that for a limited time, the Office
Suite StarOffice 4.0 for Linux is on sale for $49 (regularly $99).
This price is for a commercial license to the most popular and full- featured application suite on Linux. StarOffice 4.0 includes:
For more information:
Bryan Standley,
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:30:48 GMT
Online registration for the 2nd Annual Atlanta Linux Showcase is now
The registration process has been automated this year, and pre-registration for the conference sessions will require payment with a credit-card from our secure web server. Prices for the showcase are as follows:
Exhibition Hall Admission: FREE! (A registration is required)
Conference pre-registration: $60/day ($35/day for students/seniors)
Conference after October 1: $75/day ($50/day for students/seniors)
The 2nd Annual Atlanta Linux Showcase will be held October 23rd and 24th at the Atlanta Apparel Mart and is presented by the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts and Linux International. The showcase will feature an exhibition hall for vendors of Linux related hardware, software, and services, live demonstrations of Linux related products, and conference sessions featuring some of the most respected members of the Linux community.
For more information:
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:40:15 GMT
Have a killer OpenSource application, but no where to host the web pages?
Want to let the world read your Perl tutorial? Need a home for your
Linux Users Group?
Penguin Computing is proud to announce the Antarctic Project, an internet server specifically for OpenSource/Linux web pages, mailing lists and ftp sites. If you have a site that needs a home, we may be able to host it on the Antarctic Server. This service is completely free.
The Antarctic Project is limited to sites having to do with Linux or other OpenSource projects. All sites must be non-commercial. Internet connectivity is provided by Penguin Computing ISP services. The Antarctica Server is located in Silicon Valley, and has a 100 Megabit connection to Mae-West and CIX-PAIX.
For more information:
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 10:42:11 -0700 (PDT)
"Microsoft Corp. must hand over the computer source code for Windows 95 to Caldera Inc., a small Orem software company suing it for alleged antitrust violations, a Utah federal judge ruled Tuesday. "
"The judge did agree to warn the Caldera experts and lawyers the code cannot be used for any purpose other than the litigation. Jardine said Microsoft will provide the code within five days. "
Three Point's Linux News --- https://www.threepoint.com/
"Choice is Not a Four Letter Word" by Joshua Galun, https://www.shawmag.com/archive/0105/01.html
Oracle and inofrmix now on Linux: https://www.infoworld.com/cgi-bin/displayStory.pl?980717.whorlinux.htm
"Engineers and Linux": matsumoto.txt
Linux in the Enterprise? (Wired News Daily): https://www.wired.com/news/news/email/explode-infobeat/technology/story/13621.html
Pre-installation checklistnini-HOWTO: https://members.tripod.com/~algolog/lnxchk.htm
SmallEiffel is a GPL implementation of Eiffel, a simple yet
full-featured object-oriented programming language:
Linux questionnaire: https://aachen.heimat.de/alug/fragebogen/
Beowulf questionnaire: https://aachen.heimat.de/alug/beowulf/
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:30:19 GMT
Announcing a new Linux project: The Digital Image Library Project (DILP).
DLIP is an online image database that would be used to archive images for
searching and viewing. Currently slide libraries used by art historians
consist of tens of thousands of individual 35 mm slides. These slides are
organized, and sometimes there information is index in a computer. But
never all of images and there information. The goal of this project is to
create a database with a web interface that can be used from multiple
locations to allow researchers access a digital index.
For more information:
Ed Kujawski,
July 1, 1998, Dallas, Texas
Aegis Data Systems and Best4u Internet Services today announced a joint collaboration to establish a testing center for Linux hardware compatibility. The focal point of the center will be a web site at https://Linux.Best4u.com/, which will be online by August 1, 1998. The web site will be used to publish results of tests and provide a central registration for hardware manufacturers and Linux device driver programmers.
For more information:
Mark Stingley, sarge@AegisData.com
Informix Corporation has announced the release of Informix SE on Linux. Informix SE is a SQL-based database engine for small to medium-range applications. It is a solution for businesses that want the power of SQL without the complex database administration requirements. Linux application developers are now able to download a free developer<\#146>s kit that includes Informix SE, ESQL/C for Linux, Informix<\#146>s SQL toolkit, I-Connect (the runtime version of ESQL/C). Informix SE and ESQL/C in Linux is available from Caldera and S.u.S.E on the Intel platform.
For more information:
Informix Software, Inc.,
OREM, UT July 16, 1998 Caldera, Inc. today announced the adoption and support of KDE technology. Caldera will include the K Desktop Environment in the OpenLinux 1.2.2 maintenance release due out the end of September. KDE will be the default desktop in the Caldera OpenLinux 2.0 product, scheduled for release the fourth quarter of this year.
Caldera is supporting KDE technology by hosting the official KDE U.S. FTP site at ftp.us.kde.org. Provided by Caldera, KDE 1.0 binary and source rpms for OpenLinux 1.2 are available for download from the site.
The K Desktop Environment is an international Internet based volunteer project which develops the freely available graphical desktop environment for the UNIX platform.
For more information:
Caldera, Inc., https://www.caldera.com/
KDE, https://www.kde.org
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:32:13 -0700
The NAIUA (North American Ingres Users Association) would like to
announce that Computer Associates has committed to porting the Ingres
II RDBMS to Linux by the end of Q3 1998. It will be included on the
UNIX Software Development Kit which will be available for free on the
CA Web site at https://www.cai.com/.
(Note: the SDK currently available on CA's web site is for Windows
NT only and does not yet include Ingres for Linux)
Ingres II for Linux was demoed with Red Hat at CA-World 98 and will be available for Linux platforms running Red Hat 2.0 pl27 as well as other compatible versions. It will be free with the Ingres II SDK for UNIX. Support structures have not been determined by CA at this time.
For more information: Bob Griffith, tech_tools@naiua.org
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 14:34:03 -0700
Berkeley, CA - Transvirtual Technologies, Inc. announces the release of
Kaffe OpenVM(TM), the first complete independent implementation of Java(TM)
available under the ``Open Source'' initiative. Unlike other third-party
VMs, Kaffe comes with a "just-in-time" compiler and a complete set of
class libraries, including Beans and AWT.
Kaffe was designed from day one to be highly portable and to provide a complete Java environment in the smallest possible memory footprint. It has already been ported to a number of processors, including the x86, StrongARM, MIPs, 68K and Alpha, and can provide a full graphical environment in as little as 500K (including VM and class libraries).
For more information:
Tim Wilkinson,
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 19:52:04 -0500
AUSTIN, TX- Crack dot Com, developer of the cult-hit Abuse and the
anticipated 3D real-time strategy title Golgotha, has made available
a CD specifically tailored for game artists titled "Game Textures CD1".
Crack dot Com released "Game Textures CD1" today for sale. CD1 is a compilation of textures gathered from outdoor environments, buidling faces, and military and civilian vehicles. These high-resolution textures were specifically designed by Crack artist Kevin Tyler for use by game artists who demand high-detail tileable textures for use in 3D games, and many of the textures appear in Crack's upcoming title Golgotha.
CD1 is currently available only directly through Crack dot Com. An order form and index of the textures is available at https://crack.com/.
For more information:
Dave Taylor, ddt@crack.crack.com
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 08:59:43 -0700 (PDT)
Reston, VA -- The Corporation for National Research Initiatives has
announced the release of JPython-1.0. JPython is a freely available
implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language
Python -- integrated seamlessly with the Java(TM) platform and
certified as 100% Pure Java(TM).
JPython's integration with Java draws on the strengths of the Java platform. JPython code can easily access any existing Java libraries and JavaBeans. The Java virtual machine allows JPython to statically compile Python source code to Java bytecodes that will run anywhere that Java does. Through Java's support for dynamic class loading, JPython can dynamically compile Python code to allow interactive use while still achieving the performance of a true compiler.
Guido van Rossum created the Python language in the early 1990s, and it has been used successfully in many interesting software projects since then.
JPython completely implements the Python language in 100% Pure Java, and is freely available in both source and binary form. In order to implement Python's Perl5-compatible regular expressions, JPython includes the outstanding OROMatcher(TM) regular expression engine developed by Original Reusable Objects(TM) at https://www.oroinc.com/ By agreement, this regular expression engine is only distributed in binary form. JPython can be found at https://www.python.org/jpython/.
For more information:
Jim Hugunin, hugunin@python.org
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:48:02 GMT
NetStreamer offers the possibility to stream audio over your 28k8 modem
or ISDN at a sample rate of 8 or 16 kHz. It offers a fancy radio-alike
frontend that allows you to tune in on "radio-programs" that are offered
by the NetStreamer Server, which is a kind of reflector that passes on
audio that may be offered by several transmitters.
Currently NetStreamer-0.16 is available. You can download the NetStreamer software (The Server, Receiver and Transmitter) from:
The software is distributed in source and binary form under GPL.
For more information:
Rolf Fokkens,
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:41:51 GMT
CurVeS performs two functions. It provides a menu and
command completion interface to CVS so that
inexperienced users can learn the features of CVS
without documentation. This also involves adding some
meta-features that are built from CVS commands which
are used together in some common-use circumstances.
The second function of Curves is to provide visual
presentation of a project directory so that the status
of each file is comprehensible at a glance. CurVeS
uses color, when available, to accent the file
classification marks.
ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/el/elf/curves/ in the file curves-0.8.3.tar.gz and curves-0.8.3.lsm
Runs on any UN*X. Tested on GNU/Linux and Solaris. C++ necessary to build from source. CVS and possibly RCS to use.
For more information:
Marc Singer, elf@netcom.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:50:08 GMT
urlmon version 3.0 is released, now with ability to filter out portions
of HTML data so that things like rotating advertisements don't give false
positives. The filtering capability is quite flexible, and it
user-extensible. The code has been cleaned up, making it much more
elegant and simple. The format of the urlmonrc database file has
changed, and this causes problems addressed in the various
documentation files. Some enhancements have been made to make urlmon
more conducive to scripting.
urlmon is the URL Monitor. It reports changes to web sites (and ftp sites, too).
https://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/www/mirroring/urlmon-3.0.tgz (soon)
For more information:
Jeremy D. Impson, jdimpson@acm.org
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 11:28:30 GMT
GramoFile is a computer program, running under the Linux operating
system, with the main goal of putting the sound of gramophone
records on CDs. The program is not finished yet (and maybe never),
but it is able to do a lot of useful things already. Like removing
ticks and splitting a long sound file into separate tracks.
This program was originally written by Anne Bezemer and Ton Le as
a study project at the department of Information Technology and
Systems (sub-department of Electrical Engineering) of the
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. However,
development has continued after the end of the project, resulting
in the program as it is now (read: much more functional :).
The new version 1.1 is available at the GramoFile Home Page:
For more information:
J.A. Bezemer, J.A.Bezemer@ITS.TUDelft.NL
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 09:39:55 GMT
WavPlay-1.0 was the last LINUX sound play/record program that
was released to the net, with 2 levels of patches.
This a short note to announce that the "home web page" for the WavPlay software is moving (since I am also moving, and will change ISP + email addresses etc.)
To find out what is currently happening with the new WavPlay software, visit the new "home page" at:
For more information:
Warren Gay VE3WWG, ve3wwg@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 10:33:10 GMT
I've uploaded aumix 1.9, a program for adjusting an audio mixer from the
console, a terminal, the command line or scripts. Here's what's new:
* interactive screen won't show channels that don't exist * should build without automake or autoconf * might compile under FreeBSD * muting function should work for everyone now * left and right levels shown with "L" and "R" in interactive screen * fixed small bug with adjustment by mouse * usage text printed when mixer file can't be opened
WWW access:
Files: 40898 aumix-1.9.tar.gz and 638 aumix-1.9.lsm
For more information:
Trevor Johnson, trevor@jpj.net
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:22:43 GMT
locus lets you find words in your texts: newsgroup messages,
Web page mirrors, electronic books - whatever you have. It uses word
patterns (order, locality etc.) to match queries to texts, makes
reasonable choices by default yet does exactly what you want when
you specify it.
locus homepage: https://www.cermak.cz/~vbarta/
For more information:
Vaclav Barta, vbar@comp.cz
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 11:53:59 -0700
On August 10, MathSoft will be announcing/shipping a new version of
S-PLUS called S-PLUS 5.0 for UNIX and LINUX, a key new addition to MathSoft's statistical data mining family. This addition to the broadest line of statistical data mining software for business and academia comes with several significant upgrades, including:
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 12:02:08 +0200
Prague, Czech Republic, July 28, 1998 - NetBeans, Inc. today released the second Beta version of its well-received Integrated Development Environment (IDE) written entirely in the Java(TM) language and based on Sun's Java Foundation Classes framework. NetBeans Developer 2.0 - Beta 2 is available for free download from the company's web site, https://www.netbeans.com. NetBeans IDE is a full-featured visual programming environment that allows flexible development on any platform which supports JDK 1.1.x, including NT, Win95, Linux, OS/2, Solaris, HP-UX, and others.
NetBeans IDE will ship in two versions - Developer and Enterprise. NetBeans Developer was created for the single developer working on a desktop PC. NetBeans Enterprise was designed as a multi-user, multi-platform product. Users can fully exploit the object-oriented nature of the IDE, design distributed applications based on RMI/CORBA, share virtual filesystems, debug remotely, and access source control systems.
The second beta version of NetBeans Developer 2.0 is now available and can be downloaded from the NetBeans Website at https://www.netbeans.com. NetBeans Developer 2.0 is scheduled for release in the third quarter of 1998, and will retail for approximately $149. Pricing and availability of NetBeans Enterprise will be announced in September, 1998.
For more information:
NetBeans, Inc.
Helena Stolka,
OREM, Utah, July 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Caldera(R), Inc. today announced the release of NetWare(R) for Linux 1.0. Caldera NetWare for Linux provides NetWare file, print and directory services ready to run (native) on a Linux distribution. With NetWare for Linux, Caldera brings the most-widely used networking operating system to Linux with full client support and integrated administration utilities. NetWare for Linux is a component of the Caldera Small Business Server scheduled for release later this year.
A NetWare for Linux three-user version is now available for download at no cost from the Caldera Web site (https://www.caldera.com/products/netware). Bump packs can be purchased in user license increments of 1 ($95), 5 ($450), 25 ($1,875), or 50 ($2,750). A $59 two-CD jewel case version offering a complete NetWare solution including NetWare for Linux, NetWare utilities and OpenLinux Lite 1.2 will be available mid-August.
For more information:
Caldera, Inc., https://www.caldera.com/