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Ownership of Linux® Trademark Resolved
Monterey, California, August 20, 1997 - A long standing dispute over ownership of the Linux® operating system trademark has been resolved. As a result of litigation brought by a group of five Linux companies and individuals against William R. Della Croce, Jr. of Boston, Massachusetts, Della Croce has assigned ownership for the registered mark to Linux Torvalds, the original author of Linux, as part of the a settlement agreement.
The plaintiffs in the suit were Linus Torvalds; specialized Systems Systems Consultants, Inc. (the Linux Journal of Seattle; Yggdrasil computing, Inc. in San Jose; Linux International, Amherst, NH; and Work Group Solutions of Aurora, CO. Non-plaintiffs Red Hat Software, Inc., Metrolink Inc., and Digital Equipment Corporation supported the litigation and contributed to the cost of the litigation.
The five plaintiffs brought suit against Della Croce in the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeals Board, in November 1996. Della Croce had obtained registration of the Linux mark in September 1995, which created a storm of protests by the Linux community, who felt the mark belonged to Torvalds or the Linux community and not to any individual. In an attempt to correct the situation, the plaintiffs retained the internationally known intellectual property law firm of Davis & Schroeder of Monterey, California, who handled the case on a greatly reduced fee bases, as a service to the Linux community.
The five plaintiffs, through their attorneys, announced that (1) the matter has been settled by the assignment of the mark to Linus Torvalds, on behalf of all Petitioners and Linux users, and the dismissal with prejudice of the pending PTO Cancellation Proceeding; and (2) that Respondent was reimbursed for his trademark filing fees and costs by Petitioners. The other terms of the Settlement Agreement are confidential.
All inquiries should be referred to Petitioners' law firm, Davis & Schroeder at 408-649-1122 or by email at ggd@iplawyers.com. A copy of the original Cancellation Petition filed in the TTAB, can be found at https://www.iplawyers/text/linux.htm.
Linux Journal announced the release and ship date of their 1996 back-issue CD-ROM. It will be available September 17, 1997. LJ's first back-issue CD-ROM will consist of twelve issuews of Linux Journal published during 1996. Features covered in 1996 include; systems administration, World Wide Web, back-ups, Linux distribution comparisons, software development, shell programming, getting new users started, graphics and several other topics.
An HTML interface will allow you to access the CD-ROM infromation using any World Wide Web browser. For those that don't have a World Wide Web browser, gzilla, has been included on the CD-ROM.
Linux Journal's 1996 back issues CD-ROM is $19.95 plus shipping and handling and can be ordered directly from Linux Journal.
For more information take a look at https://www.linuxjournal.com/.
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"Hawkeye" is the name of a new Linux Web server program, which has recently been released to the public. IT is an Internet/Intranet server suite, implementing Internet protocols for information interchange. A short list of the most important functions of Hawkeye:
Hawkeye is running under the LINUX operating system and requires the Linux SQL database MySQL https://www.tcx.se/. Hardware requirements are much like what you would need to build a normal Linux system. For optimal performance, we recommend a Pentium machine withat least 16 Megabytes of RAM. Hawkeye itself uses very little Harddisk space, so the size depends mainly on your site. Check it out on the Hawkeye Web Home Site
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