select sql_users_insert(); select sql_users_update(1,'Username1','Password1',1); select sql_users_insert(); select sql_users_update(2,'Username2','Password2',1); drop function sql_users_verify(text,text); CREATE FUNCTION sql_users_verify (text,text) RETURNS int4 AS ' DECLARE record1 record; id int4 :=0; username text; password text; active int4 := 0; BEGIN username := clean_text($1); password := clean_text($2); FOR record1 IN SELECT users_id FROM users where users.username = username and users.password = password and = 1 LOOP id := record1.users_id; END LOOP; -- If id < 1 check if username exists . IF id is NULL THEN FOR record1 IN SELECT users_id,active FROM users where users.username = username LOOP id := record1.users_id; -- active :=; -- If active is < 1, isn not active. -- IF active < 1 THEN return (-3); END IF; -- If id is > 0, password is incorrect. IF id > 0 THEN return (-2); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- If id is < 1, username does not exist. IF id < 1 THEN return (-1); END IF; -- Everything has passed, return id as users_id. return (id); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; select sql_users_verify('Username1','Password1'); drop function sql_users_exists(text); CREATE FUNCTION sql_users_exists (text) RETURNS int4 AS ' DECLARE record1 record; id int4 :=0; username text; password text; BEGIN username := clean_text($1); FOR record1 IN SELECT users_id FROM users where users.username = username LOOP id := record1.users_id; END LOOP; -- Everything has passed, return id as users_id. return (id); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; select sql_users_exists('Username1'); drop function sql_users_active(text); CREATE FUNCTION sql_users_active (text) RETURNS int4 AS ' DECLARE record1 record; id int4 :=0; username text; password text; BEGIN username := clean_text($1); FOR record1 IN SELECT users_id FROM users where users.username = username LOOP id := record1.users_id; END LOOP; -- Everything has passed, return id as users_id. return (id); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; select sql_users_active('Username1');