...making Linux just a little more fun!
Karl-Heinz Herrmann [kh1 at khherrmann.de]
Hi tag,
I'm trying to write a perl progam to automatically record internet radio. The current setup uses at to start a recording process which checks the radios webpage, filters the proper straming adress and wget it for wget'able streams -- otherwise mplayer is used to dump the stream.
My increasing problem is, that the recording process exits prematurely. What I currently do in perl is a main routine which does all the webfetching and then forks out two processes:
* the recorder * the killer -- waiting and then killing the recorder after preprogrammed time
main program exits. This protects mplayer from any input on stdin as this immediately kills mplayer (a problem if perl program is started by atd as I had to find out).
Now I tried to setup a signal handler for SIGCHLD in the main part and then let the main go to sleep instead of exiting. On receiving a SIGCHLD it checks if this was because of the killer (time up, killer exited) or if the time is not yet up and the recorder exited too early. In the latter case I restart the recorder, kill and restart the killer for the new recorder-pid and then I want back in main, set the sighandler and go to sleep as before.... but I seem unable to get out of the sighandler. So this restarted recording exactly once -- but not again.
Is something like the above possible? Or do I have to switch to a loop in main checking regularly on the status and react actively without the use of sighandler to get any number of restarts?
I'm not too worried of too fast forking as wget/mplayer takes a while till they decide to fail -- but just in case a small delay and restart counter (or count/time) could be calculated and watched in case network is down and wget/mplayer are exiting to quick.
Since I would very much like to learn how the sighandlers are supposed to work and how to use them I would find the first strategy more interesting.....
As reading material I've the perl CD bookshelf including Programming perl and the cookbook (Advanced Perl Programming doesn't have much on forking and signal handlers). Both are not too deep into what's to do once the sighandler was activated and I don't just want to terminate after some cleaning up.
Thomas Adam [thomas.adam22 at gmail.com]
On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 10:43:01PM +0200, Karl-Heinz Herrmann wrote:
> Now I tried to setup a signal handler for SIGCHLD in the main part and > then let the main go to sleep instead of exiting. On receiving a > SIGCHLD it checks if this was because of the killer (time up, killer > exited) or if the time is not yet up and the recorder exited too early. > In the latter case I restart the recorder, kill and restart the killer > for the new recorder-pid and then I want back in main, set the > sighandler and go to sleep as before.... but I seem unable to get out > of the sighandler. So this restarted recording exactly once -- but not > again.
You should probably look at using alarm() and hence SIGALRM for this.
Post a code snippet or something so that some context can be applied here.
-- Thomas Adam
-- "He wants you back, he screams into the night air, like a fireman going through a window that has no fire." -- Mike Myers, "This Poem Sucks".
Karl-Heinz Herrmann [kh1 at khherrmann.de]
Hi Thomas,
On Sun, 6 May 2007 02:32:56 +0100 Thomas Adam <thomas.adam22@gmail.com> wrote:
> Post a code snippet or something so that some context can be applied > here.
see other post -- this crossed over with a second post from me.
> You should probably look at using alarm() and hence SIGALRM for this.
I did -- and it seems I found a working solution.
At first I still had the problem to protect mplayer from any input, but then I found a chapter on daemon programming. So what I do now is start the perl-script, do my web fetching and then fork, let the parent exit and create a new session ID along with a new Process group ID -- which I keep to kill this whole group later.
Then I'm forking the recording part which calls system to run either wget or mplayer inside an infinite loop which blocks at: waitpid($mplayerpid,0) if this comes back mplayer is simply reforked.
The parent in the meantime set a SIGALRM and got to sleep using a blocking waitpid statement as well.
On SIGALRM I jump to a simple sighandler which kills the negative PGID -- which by itself should be sufficient to kill everything -- but somehow isn't quite reliable. Occasionally the mplayer continues running.
"ps axjf" shows the perlscript which is parent to a copy of itself which is parent to the wget or an mplayer which forks another mplayer.
1 11578 11578 11578 ? -1 SNs 1000 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /home/khh/bin/getradio_restart.pl dlr 90 11578 11579 11578 11578 ? -1 SN 1000 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /home/khh/bin/getradio_restart.pl dlr 90 11579 11582 11578 11578 ? -1 SN 1000 0:00 \_ wget https://dradio-ogg.t-bn.de/dkultur_high.ogg [...] 1 13187 13187 13187 ? -1 Ss 1000 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /home/khh/bin/getradio_restart.pl br2 1 13187 13188 13187 13187 ? -1 S 1000 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /home/khh/bin/getradio_restart.pl br2 1 13188 13191 13187 13187 ? -1 S 1000 0:00 \_ mplayer mms://a1069.l674138049.c6741.e.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1069/6741/v0001/reflecto 13191 13194 13187 13187 ? -1 S 1000 0:00 \_ mplayer mms://a1069.l674138049.c6741.e.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1069/6741/v0001/reflThe SID of the newly created session is 11578 (13187), so a:
kill("TERM",-$PID);should be killing everything, or not? sometimes mplayer survived this. Will the PGID always be the PID of the top-most parent creating a new session? And without creating a new session?
sample output of the code below matching the upper "ps axjf" output is:
starting new session 11578 grandparent: 11577: this is PID 11577 (just forked pid 11578) -- now exiting to disown the childso $$ and $SID should both be 11578 -- $grandparent is 11577 and exiting.
at least this seems to work reliable now, but I shouldn't need all these kill-shotguns at all the pids to make the terminating it reliable. Killing $SID (see code at very bottom) should be sufficent, or not?
The current code looks like this: (run with two parameters -- station (dlr) and duration in minutes):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use WWW::Mechanize; use POSIX; if (@ARGV != 2){ print "wrong arguments\n"; print "Usage:\n"; print " getradio.pl [br2|br4|wdr3|wdr5|dlr|einslive|figaro] duration\n"; exit; } $sender=shift @ARGV; $duration=shift @ARGV; print "recording $sender for $duration min.\n"; if ($sender eq "dlrmms"){ #[...] }elsif($sender eq "dlr"){ print "don't mess around for ogg dlr, just use standard link\n"; $link1="https://dradio-ogg.t-bn.de/dkultur_high.ogg"; #[... other stations] }elsif($sender eq "br4"){ print "recording $sender for $duration min.\n"; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->get( "https://www.br-online.de/streaming/bayern4klassik/bayern4klassik_red.asx" ); $file= $mech->content(); $file =~ /href="(mms:.*)"/; print "found the mms-link:\n $1\n"; $link1=$1; } $grandparent=$$; # keep original PID die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($daemonizepid = fork()); if ($daemonizepid){ print "grandparent: $grandparent: this is PID $$ (just forked pid $daemonizepid)\n -- now exiting to disown the child\n"; exit 0; } # this is the disowned process -- mplayer should be save from keyboard # input and atd # start new session ID -- than this should be new Program group ID (PGID) to kill later $SID=POSIX::setsid() or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; print "starting new session $SID\n"; die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($kidpid = fork()); if ($kidpid){ print "forked: started recorder pid $kidpid\n"; # this is parent thread local $SIG{ALRM} = \&timed_out; # I want only the parent to set an alarm -- will this localiste the sighandler? # recording child is already forked at this point alarm($duration*60+10); waitpid($kidpid,0); # just to block parent till alarm goes off # $buf=<>; is not good -- return from atd would trigger that. # no idea why we still get STDIN for this process. (Grand)Parent disowned us to init already print "parent ($$) -- child $kidpid came back.\n"; $left=alarm(0); print "alarm had $left time left!\nexiting anyway...\n"; }else{ # child process # here we run mplayer to record the stuff to a wav file $part="-0"; $pn=1; $date=`date +"%Y%m%d-%R"`; $date=~s/:/_/g; chomp($date); if ($sender eq "dlr" || $sender eq "dlf"){ # ok -- this is wget stuff while (1){ system("wget",$link1,"-O",$sender."-".$date.$part.".ogg","-nv","-t","500"); waitpid($kidpid,0); print "recording process came back. restarting\n"; $part="-".$pn++; } }else{ while (1){ # paranoia -- there shouldn't be two recordings of the same stuff # so thenames should be unique -- but nevertheless at least try to keep two # processes from overwriting each other. (should be a while checking till a nonexisitng file is generated) if ( -f $sender."-".$date.$part.".wav" ){ print "looks like the outputfile exists already....\n"; $date=$date."-a"; } system ('mplayer',$link1, "-vc", "dummy", "-vo", "null", "-ao", "pcm:waveheader:file=$sender-".$date.$part.".wav"); waitpid($kidpid,0); print "recording process came back. restarting\n"; $part="-".$pn++; } } } print "program reached code after all the forking code....shouldn't happen.\nkilling myself and all my children.\n"; kill("TERM" => -$$); sub timed_out{ kill("TERM" => -$$); # shouldn't this one be enough? The process with the ALRM timer is the topmost parent # or could the set alarm be "inherited" to the child and get things out of sequence? kill("TERM" => -$SID); # the new session ID -- this should also kill of all remaining processes kill("TERM" => -$grandparent); # this process shouldn't be there anymore die "recording finished\n"; }K.-H.
Karl-Heinz Herrmann [kh1 at khherrmann.de]
Hi TAGS's,
I seem to have found the problem with "getting out of the sighandler". Actually I did get out but The main program was not returning to what it was doing (i.e. sleeping) it just ran on and exited. I wrapped a while(true){} around that part and tried to set an alarm to get me out.
But this got somewhat into a mess:
1) I *should not* keep main running -- or at least have to decouple the mplayer recording process totally from input on STDIN. Right now mplayer spews its output to STDOUT and receives STDIN -- which terminates mplayer.
-> I have to fork a child which forks mplayer and child exits to decouple it where do I get the proper PID for the mplayer now ? The parent (main) can't even kill itself and all in the process group with it sind mplayer now belongs to init.
The first version where main programmed a killer and then exited decoupled mplayer and knew both pids to do program the killer. But then there is nothing waiting for a SIGCHILD....
2) I had a look at alarm -- setting an alarm in main and simply cause main to kill everything would be nice and easy. But if I set an alarm I should not use sleep as it might use the same timer mechanism. How do I keep main from running 99% of CPU then? Doing a blocking read on something I'm sure nothing is coming in? Seems ugly.... A blocking waitpid maybe?
This still doesn't solve the decoupling of mplayer.
Hm.... getting late around here. Maybe I dream something weird enough to help with this tomorrow ;-)
Any strategic hints would be very much welcome....
If anybody would like to have a peak at the current code see below.... Currently restarting mplayer works but ending mplayer does not. parent just exits. killer kills the wrong process if it has been restarted inbetween. To make mplayer die just press return.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use WWW::Mechanize; use POSIX; [..... all the html analysis, getting the mms-links] # programm alarm for main so we wake up and # can terminate in main as well alarm($duration*60+10); die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($kidpid = fork()); if ($kidpid){ print "forked: started recorder pid $kidpid\n"; # this is parent thread # first send off the record-killer die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($killerpid = fork()); if ($killerpid){ print "forked again: killer is $killerpid\n"; # again parent -- to protect the recording pid from keyboard interactive we just exit. print "************ parent setting watch\n"; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; while(true){ my $timeleft=alarm(0); print "alarm clock say $timeleft time is still left!\n"; alarm($timeleft); sleep($timeleft); } # finished -- full recording time has gone buy exit 0; }else{ # so this is the killer sleep($duration*60+10); print "killer woke up -- killing recording process pid $kidpid\n"; kill("TERM" => $kidpid); exit 0; } }else{ # child process # here we run mplayer to record the stuff to a wav file $date=`date +"%Y%m%d-%R"`; $date=~s/:/_/g; chomp($date); if ( -f $sender."-".$date.".wav" ){ print "looks like the outputfile exists already....\n"; $date=$date."-a"; } exec ('mplayer',$link1, "-vc", "dummy", "-vo", "null", "-ao", "pcm:waveheader:file=$sender-".$date.".wav"); } print "program reached code after all the forking code....shouldn't happen.\nkilling myself and all my children.\n"; kill("TERM" => -$$); sub REAPER { my $stiff; while (($stiff = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) { # do something with $stiff if you want print "\nThis is the reaper.... $stiff came back\n\n"; if ($stiff == $killerpid){ print "killer $killerpid has exited... so recording is finished\n"; exit 0; } if ($stiff == $kidpid){ print "Recording pid exited, checking killer\n"; $killerstat=waitpid($killerpid,&WNOHANG); print "Killerstauts is: $killerstat\n"; if ($killerstat == 0){ print "Killer still running, restarting recording process\n"; die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($kidpid = fork()); if ($kidpid){ print "start a new killer...(just forget about the old one for now, would trigger another SIGCHILD)\n"; ### here the killer should be restarted with the new child pid ### this has to be after recording child is restarted or we use the wrong PID print "parent going to sleep again\n"; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; return; }else{ $date=`date +"%Y%m%d-%R-%S"`; $date=~s/:/_/g; chomp($date); exec ('mplayer',$link1, "-vc", "dummy", "-vo", "null", "-ao", "pcm:waveheader:file=$sender-".$date.".wav"); } } } } $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # install after calling waitpid }K.-H.
Ben Okopnik [ben at linuxgazette.net]
Hi, Karl-Heinz -
On Sun, May 06, 2007 at 09:38:25AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Herrmann wrote:
> Hi TAGS's, > > I seem to have found the problem with "getting out of the sighandler". > Actually I did get out but The main program was not returning to what > it was doing (i.e. sleeping) it just ran on and exited. I wrapped a > while(true){} around that part and tried to set an alarm to get me out. > > But this got somewhat into a mess: > > 1) I *should not* keep main running -- or at least have to decouple the > mplayer recording process totally from input on STDIN. Right now > mplayer spews its output to STDOUT and receives STDIN -- which > terminates mplayer. > > -> I have to fork a child which forks mplayer and child exits to decouple it > where do I get the proper PID for the mplayer now ? > The parent (main) can't even kill itself and all in the process group with it > sind mplayer now belongs to init.
I'm very suspicious of forks and such, and only use them in the most basic ways - e.g., launching a child process and dropping its privs for security, or just running a simple daemon - but I find that I can usually get an answer for fork/wait related questions from 'perldoc perlipc'. The people who wrote it are clearly aware that it's a complex issue, and have spent a lot of time documenting this.
> > sub REAPER { > my $stiff; > while (($stiff = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) { > # do something with $stiff if you want > print "\nThis is the reaper.... $stiff came back\n\n"; > if ($stiff == $killerpid){ > print "killer $killerpid has exited... so recording is finished\n"; > exit 0; > }
This is, of course, taken straight from the example in 'perldoc perlipc' - but did you note the advice in the long comment following the 'my' declaration?
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; sub REAPER { my $child; # If a second child dies while in the signal handler caused by the # first death, we won't get another signal. So must loop here else # we will leave the unreaped child as a zombie. And the next time # two children die we get another zombie. And so on. while (($child = waitpid(-1,WNOHANG)) > 0) { $Kid_Status{$child} = $?; } $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # still loathe sysV } $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # do something that forks...This sounds like it's specifically intended to handle the kind of problem that you're having. Also, the initial "loathe sysV: it makes us not only reinstate the handler, but place it after the wait" comment pretty much underscores the point: the handler is non-reentrant, and has to be reinstated on every call. It's sort of like trying to place a delay in a 'trap' statement - the trap is not operating during the declaration itself...
Like I said, I try to stay away from all but the most basic calls to fork() and wait(). There's Dark and Ancient Evil in those precincts. Oh - be sure to set '$|' (a.k.a. 'autoflush') to some non-null value in your program; it's a highly necessary belt-and-suspenders measure when dealing with calls to the system, and often prevents/resolves problems associated with timing issues.
-- * Ben Okopnik * Editor-in-Chief, Linux Gazette * https://LinuxGazette.NET *
Ben Okopnik [ben at linuxgazette.net]
Hi, Karl-Heinz -
Please remember to CC TAG.
On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 08:00:13AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Herrmann wrote:
> Hi Ben, > > On Sun, 6 May 2007 20:41:00 -0400 > Ben Okopnik <ben@linuxgazette.net> wrote: > > > This is, of course, taken straight from the example in 'perldoc perlipc' > > - but did you note the advice in the long comment following the 'my' > > declaration? > > thanks for that perldoc hint -- my sample code aboce is from the perl > cookbook and/or Programming Perl Ed. 3.
Oh - sorry, I thought you got it out of the docs, since the code (except for the variable name and the absence of the all-important 'while' loop) is exactly the same.
> > This sounds like it's specifically intended to handle the kind of > > problem that you're having. > > Not quite -- I've only one child which can die unexpectedly (the > mplayer) -- the kill is just sitting in a sleep and biding its time.
There's an example for a timed child as well as a daemon that should be restarted (if it dies) in that doc. I'm a big fan of Perl documentation; those folks take the time and trouble to do it right.
> > Also, the initial "loathe sysV: it makes us > > not only reinstate the handler, but place it after the wait" comment > > pretty much underscores the point: the handler is non-reentrant, and has > > Hmm... yes, this "non-reentrant" is still something I do not comprehend > in all its consequences.
When you're in the sig-handling code itself, the sig handler - even though it was previosly invoked - is not going to trigger. This is why the traditional thing is to make your sighandler do as little as possible - as quickly as possible. There's also the 'deferred' sighandler model, discussed in the same doc.
> > to be reinstated on every call. It's sort of like trying to place a > > delay in a 'trap' statement - the trap is not operating during the > > declaration itself... > > I think most of my confusion during my first try to get this worked > out with SIGCHLD was, that some parts of the perl books > said with recent perl versions (>5.6) after returning from the > sighandler the main routine is "going back to what it was doing".
[frown] I'm not really sure what that means, truth to tell.
> > Like I said, I try to stay away from all but the most basic calls to > > fork() and wait(). There's Dark and Ancient Evil in those precincts. Oh > > - be sure to set '$|' (a.k.a. 'autoflush') to some non-null value in > > That's most probably the reason why the sequence of the program output > is not as I expect -- I'll set $| and see if that clears that part up. > > > your program; it's a highly necessary belt-and-suspenders measure when > > dealing with calls to the system, and often prevents/resolves problems > > associated with timing issues. > > Do you suggest there could be a deeper problem and not just output > order? I'm not aware of one....
No, no - I was just underscoring the importance of unbuffering in situations like this one.
-- * Ben Okopnik * Editor-in-Chief, Linux Gazette * https://LinuxGazette.NET *
Karl-Heinz Herrmann [kh1 at khherrmann.de]
On Mon, 7 May 2007 17:27:25 -0400 Ben Okopnik <ben@linuxgazette.net> wrote:
> > Hmm... yes, this "non-reentrant" is still something I do not comprehend > > in all its consequences. > > When you're in the sig-handling code itself, the sig handler - even > though it was previosly invoked - is not going to trigger. This is why > the traditional thing is to make your sighandler do as little as
So -- nonreentrant is about a subroutine wich wont be called again while still active. In contrast to code which can not be called again while its still running (or suffer severe consequences)?
There was a mention in the cookbook that if one calls libc (e.g. print) from a sighandler and the sighandler is called again and enters libc routines again the process would core dump. So it seems possible with some signals.
If SIGCHLD is not triggered again when the sighandler is still running from the last call at least that problem would be gone. In my radio script I wouldn't have worried about uncought SIGCHLDs -- their was always only one process out which could terminate by itself.
But the SIGALRM version works much nicer and is somewhat "cleaner". Less of these if clauses checking if time is up or not. On ALRM wake up and end everything is clear enough.
> > I think most of my confusion during my first try to get this worked > > out with SIGCHLD was, that some parts of the perl books > > said with recent perl versions (>5.6) after returning from the > > sighandler the main routine is "going back to what it was doing". > > [frown] I'm not really sure what that means, truth to tell.
There were code examples which used
$buf=<>;as blocking part in the parent processes. If a CHILD exited early verisons of perl would forget about the read and continue with the statement after the read.
In newer perl (>5.6IIRC) versions perl is supposed to automatically return to the read statement and continue to wait for input. I assumed other blocking operations like a sleep would work the same -- but sleep is certainly not continuing on the return from the sighandler.
Ben Okopnik [ben at linuxgazette.net]
On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 09:08:25PM +0200, Karl-Heinz Herrmann wrote:
> Hi, > > On Mon, 7 May 2007 17:27:25 -0400 > Ben Okopnik <ben@linuxgazette.net> wrote: > > > > Hmm... yes, this "non-reentrant" is still something I do not comprehend > > > in all its consequences. > > > > When you're in the sig-handling code itself, the sig handler - even > > though it was previosly invoked - is not going to trigger. This is why > > the traditional thing is to make your sighandler do as little as > > So -- nonreentrant is about a subroutine wich wont be called again > while still active. In contrast to code which can not be called again > while its still running (or suffer severe consequences)?
Um... again, I'm no expert, but I think it means something like "not available to be called again". Something like that Baron Munchhausen tale where he pulled himself up out of a swamp by his own bootlaces - it's possible if someone else (i.e., a process external to the handler) does it, but you can't do it yourself.
> There was a mention in the cookbook that if one calls libc (e.g. print) > from a sighandler and the sighandler is called again and enters libc routines > again the process would core dump. So it seems possible with some signals.
[nod] "perldoc perlipc" describes situations like that for sighandler invocations, particularly in the old days (i.e., before Perl 5.6) and in cases involving non-standard timing routines for certain calls.
> If SIGCHLD is not triggered again when the sighandler is still running > from the last call at least that problem would be gone. In my radio > script I wouldn't have worried about uncought SIGCHLDs -- their was > always only one process out which could terminate by itself. > > But the SIGALRM version works much nicer and is somewhat "cleaner". > Less of these if clauses checking if time is up or not. On ALRM wake up > and end everything is clear enough.That makes sense. SIGCHLD, already has a rather ticklish job dealing with child processes (returning the SA_SIGINFO struct, etc.); SIGALRM is just a simple "time has passed" signal, and doesn't do much beyond that. Since my knowledge in this area is rather weak, I try to stick with simple things.
> There were code examples which used > `` > $buf=<>; > '' > as blocking part in the parent processes. If a CHILD exited early > verisons of perl would forget about the read and continue with the > statement after the read.
Actually, according to the 'perlipc' doc (see "Interrupting IO"),
interrupting '<>' can have very poor results in some cases. The fix
appears to consist of using SIGALRM.
> In newer perl (>5.6IIRC) versions perl is supposed to automatically > return to the read statement and continue to wait for input. I assumed > other blocking operations like a sleep would work the same -- but sleep > is certainly not continuing on the return from the sighandler.
I can't say that I've ever seen it work that way (i.e., continuing where it left off) - but, again, given what I know about it, that's not much of an indicator.
-- * Ben Okopnik * Editor-in-Chief, Linux Gazette * https://LinuxGazette.NET *