drop sequence class_sequence; create sequence class_sequence; drop sequence class_sequence_backup; create sequence class_sequence_backup; drop table class; create table class ( class_id int4 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('class_sequence'), date_updated timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, date_created timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, active int2 CHECK (active in (0,1)) DEFAULT 0, time text not null default '' , title text not null default '' , description text not null default '' , users_id int4 not null default 0 REFERENCES users ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE );drop table class_backup; create table class_backup ( backup_id int4 NOT NULL UNIQUE DEFAULT nextval('class_sequence_backup'), class_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, date_updated timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, date_created timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, active int2 CHECK (active in (0,1)) DEFAULT 0, time text not null default '', title text not null default '', description text not null default '', users_id int4 not null default 0, error_code text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); drop view class_active; create view class_active as select * from class where active = 1; drop view class_deleted; create view class_deleted as select * from class where active = 0; drop view class_backup_ids; create view class_backup_ids as select distinct class_id from class_backup; drop view class_purged; create view class_purged as select * from class_backup where oid = ANY ( select max(oid) from class_backup where class_id = ANY ( select distinct class_id from class_backup where class_backup.error_code = 'purge' and NOT class_id = ANY (select class_id from class) ) group by class_id ) ; --- Generic Functions for Perl/Postgresql version 1.0 --- Copyright 2001, Mark Nielsen --- All rights reserved. --- This Copyright notice was copied and modified from the Perl --- Copyright notice. --- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --- it under the terms of either: --- a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free --- Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any --- later version, or --- b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit. --- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either --- the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. --- You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this --- Kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one. --- You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --- along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the --- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA --- 02111-1307, USA or visit their web page on the internet at --- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. -- create a method to unpurge just one item. -- create a method to purge one item. -- \i /tmp/Test/sample/class.table --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function sql_class_insert (); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_insert () RETURNS int4 AS ' DECLARE record1 record; oid1 int4; id int4 :=0; record_backup RECORD; BEGIN insert into class (date_updated, date_created, active) values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- Get the class id. FOR record1 IN SELECT class_id FROM class where oid = oid1 LOOP id := record1.class_id; END LOOP; -- If id is NULL, insert failed or something is wrong. IF id is NULL THEN return (-1); END IF; -- It should also be greater than 0, otherwise something is wrong. IF id < 1 THEN return (-2); END IF; -- Now backup the data. FOR record_backup IN SELECT * FROM class where class_id = id LOOP insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active, error_code) values (id, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.date_created, record_backup.active, ''insert''); END LOOP; -- Everything has passed, return id as class_id. return (id); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function sql_class_delete (int4); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_delete (int4) RETURNS int2 AS ' DECLARE id int4 := 0; id_exists int4 := 0; record1 RECORD; record_backup RECORD; return_int4 int4 :=0; BEGIN -- If the id is not greater than 0, return error. id := clean_numeric($1); IF id < 1 THEN return -1; END IF; -- If we find the id, set active = 0. FOR record1 IN SELECT class_id FROM class where class_id = id LOOP update class set active=0, date_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where class_id = id; GET DIAGNOSTICS return_int4 = ROW_COUNT; id_exists := 1; END LOOP; -- If we did not find the id, abort and return -2. IF id_exists = 0 THEN return (-2); END IF; FOR record_backup IN SELECT * FROM class where class_id = id LOOP insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id ,error_code) values (record_backup.class_id, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id , ''delete'' ); END LOOP; -- If id_exists == 0, Return error. -- It means it never existed. IF id_exists = 0 THEN return (-1); END IF; -- We got this far, it must be true, return ROW_COUNT. return (return_int4); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function sql_class_undelete (int4); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_undelete (int4) RETURNS int2 AS ' DECLARE id int4 := 0; id_exists int4 := 0; record1 RECORD; record_backup RECORD; return_int4 int4 :=0; BEGIN -- If the id is not greater than 0, return error. id := clean_numeric($1); IF id < 1 THEN return -1; END IF; -- If we find the id, set active = 1. FOR record1 IN SELECT class_id FROM class where class_id = id LOOP update class set active=1, date_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where class_id = id; GET DIAGNOSTICS return_int4 = ROW_COUNT; id_exists := 1; END LOOP; -- If we did not find the id, abort and return -2. IF id_exists = 0 THEN return (-2); END IF; FOR record_backup IN SELECT * FROM class where class_id = id LOOP insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id ,error_code) values (record_backup.class_id, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id , ''undelete'' ); END LOOP; -- If id_exists == 0, Return error. -- It means it never existed. IF id_exists = 0 THEN return (-1); END IF; -- We got this far, it must be true, return ROW_COUNT. return (return_int4); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function sql_class_update (int4 , text, text, text, int4); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_update (int4 , text, text, text, int4) RETURNS int2 AS ' DECLARE id int4 := 0; id_exists int4 := 0; record_update RECORD; record_backup RECORD; return_int4 int4 :=0; var_2 text; var_3 text; var_4 text; var_5 int4; BEGIN var_2 := clean_text($2); var_3 := clean_text($3); var_4 := clean_text($4); var_5 := clean_numeric($5); -- If the id is not greater than 0, return error. id := clean_numeric($1); IF id < 1 THEN return -1; END IF; FOR record_update IN SELECT class_id FROM class where class_id = id LOOP id_exists := 1; END LOOP; IF id_exists = 0 THEN return (-2); END IF; update class set date_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , time = var_2, title = var_3, description = var_4, users_id = var_5 where class_id = id; GET DIAGNOSTICS return_int4 = ROW_COUNT; FOR record_backup IN SELECT * FROM class where class_id = id LOOP insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id, error_code) values (record_update.class_id, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id, ''update'' ); END LOOP; -- We got this far, it must be true, return ROW_COUNT. return (return_int4); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function sql_class_copy (int4); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_copy (int4) RETURNS int2 AS ' DECLARE id int4 := 0; id_exists int4 := 0; record1 RECORD; record2 RECORD; record3 RECORD; return_int4 int4 := 0; id_new int4 := 0; class_new int4 :=0; BEGIN -- If the id is not greater than 0, return error. id := clean_numeric($1); IF id < 1 THEN return -1; END IF; FOR record1 IN SELECT class_id FROM class where class_id = id LOOP id_exists := 1; END LOOP; IF id_exists = 0 THEN return (-2); END IF; --- Get the new id FOR record1 IN SELECT sql_class_insert() as class_insert LOOP class_new := record1.class_insert; END LOOP; -- If the class_new is not greater than 0, return error. IF class_new < 1 THEN return -3; END IF; FOR record2 IN SELECT * FROM class where class_id = id LOOP FOR record1 IN SELECT sql_class_update(class_new , clean_text(record2.time), clean_text(record2.title), clean_text(record2.description), clean_text(record2.users_id)) as class_insert LOOP -- execute some arbitrary command just to get it to pass. id_exists := 1; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- We got this far, it must be true, return new id. return (class_new); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ------------------------------------------------------------------ drop function sql_class_purge (); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_purge () RETURNS int4 AS ' DECLARE record_backup RECORD; oid1 int4 := 0; return_int4 int4 :=0; deleted int4 := 0; delete_count int4 :=0; delete_id int4; BEGIN -- Now delete one by one. FOR record_backup IN SELECT * FROM class where active = 0 LOOP -- Record the id we want to delete. delete_id = record_backup.class_id; insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id ,error_code) values (record_backup.class_id, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id , ''purge'' ); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- If oid1 less than 1, return -1 IF oid1 < 1 THEN return (-2); END IF; -- Now delete this from the main table. delete from class where class_id = delete_id; -- Get row count of row just deleted, should be 1. GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted = ROW_COUNT; -- If deleted less than 1, return -3 IF deleted < 1 THEN return (-3); END IF; delete_count := delete_count + 1; END LOOP; -- We got this far, it must be true, return the number of ones we had. return (delete_count); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ------------------------------------------------------------------ drop function sql_class_purgeone (int4); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_purgeone (int4) RETURNS int4 AS ' DECLARE record_backup RECORD; oid1 int4 := 0; record1 RECORD; return_int4 int4 :=0; deleted int4 := 0; delete_count int4 :=0; delete_id int4; purged_no int4 := 0; BEGIN delete_id := $1; -- If purged_id less than 1, return -4 IF delete_id < 1 THEN return (-4); END IF; FOR record1 IN SELECT * FROM class where active = 0 and class_id = delete_id LOOP purged_no := purged_no + 1; END LOOP; -- If purged_no less than 1, return -1 IF purged_no < 1 THEN return (-1); END IF; -- Now delete one by one. FOR record_backup IN SELECT * FROM class where class_id = delete_id LOOP insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id ,error_code) values (record_backup.class_id, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id , ''purgeone'' ); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- If oid1 less than 1, return -2 IF oid1 < 1 THEN return (-2); END IF; -- Now delete this from the main table. delete from class where class_id = delete_id; -- Get row count of row just deleted, should be 1. GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted = ROW_COUNT; -- If deleted less than 1, return -3 IF deleted < 1 THEN return (-3); END IF; delete_count := delete_count + 1; END LOOP; -- We got this far, it must be true, return the number of ones we had. return (delete_count); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ drop function sql_class_unpurge (); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_unpurge () RETURNS int2 AS ' DECLARE record1 RECORD; record2 RECORD; record_backup RECORD; purged_id int4 := 0; purge_count int4 :=0; timestamp1 timestamp; purged_no int4 := 0; oid1 int4 := 0; oid_found int4 := 0; highest_oid int4 := 0; BEGIN -- Now get the unique ids that were purged. FOR record1 IN select distinct class_id from class_backup where class_backup.error_code = ''purge'' and NOT class_id = ANY (select class_id from class) LOOP purged_id := record1.class_id; timestamp1 := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; purged_no := purged_no + 1; oid_found := 0; highest_oid := 0; -- Now we have the unique id, find its latest date. FOR record2 IN select max(oid) from class_backup where class_id = purged_id and error_code = ''purge'' LOOP -- record we got the date and also record the highest date. oid_found := 1; highest_oid := record2.max; END LOOP; -- If the oid_found is 0, return error. IF oid_found = 0 THEN return (-3); END IF; -- Now we have the latest date, get the values and insert them. FOR record_backup IN select * from class_backup where oid = highest_oid LOOP insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id ,error_code) values (purged_id, record_backup.date_updated, timestamp1, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id , ''unpurge'' ); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- If oid1 less than 1, return -1 IF oid1 < 1 THEN return (-1); END IF; insert into class (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id) values (purged_id, timestamp1, timestamp1, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id ); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- If oid1 less than 1, return -2 IF oid1 < 1 THEN return (-2); END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- We got this far, it must be true, return how many were affected. return (purged_no); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function sql_class_unpurgeone (int4); CREATE FUNCTION sql_class_unpurgeone (int4) RETURNS int2 AS ' DECLARE record_id int4; record1 RECORD; record2 RECORD; record_backup RECORD; return_int4 int4 :=0; purged_id int4 := 0; purge_count int4 :=0; timestamp1 timestamp; purged_no int4 := 0; oid1 int4 := 0; oid_found int4 := 0; highest_oid int4 := 0; BEGIN purged_id := $1; -- If purged_id less than 1, return -1 IF purged_id < 1 THEN return (-1); END IF; --- Get the current timestamp. timestamp1 := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; FOR record1 IN select distinct class_id from class_backup where class_backup.error_code = ''purge'' and NOT class_id = ANY (select class_id from class) and class_id = purged_id LOOP purged_no := purged_no + 1; END LOOP; -- If purged_no less than 1, return -1 IF purged_no < 1 THEN return (-3); END IF; -- Now find the highest oid. FOR record2 IN select max(oid) from class_backup where class_id = purged_id and error_code = ''purge'' LOOP -- record we got the date and also record the highest date. oid_found := 1; highest_oid := record2.max; END LOOP; -- If the oid_found is 0, return error. IF oid_found = 0 THEN return (-4); END IF; -- Now get the data and restore it. FOR record_backup IN select * from class_backup where oid = highest_oid LOOP -- Insert into backup that it was unpurged. insert into class_backup (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id ,error_code) values (purged_id, timestamp1, record_backup.date_created, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id , ''unpurgeone'' ); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- If oid1 less than 1, return -1 IF oid1 < 1 THEN return (-1); END IF; -- Insert into live table. insert into class (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active , time, title, description, users_id) values (record_backup.class_id, timestamp1, record_backup.date_updated, record_backup.active , record_backup.time, record_backup.title, record_backup.description, record_backup.users_id ); -- Get the unique oid of the row just inserted. GET DIAGNOSTICS oid1 = RESULT_OID; -- If oid1 less than 1, return -2 IF oid1 < 1 THEN return (-2); END IF; END LOOP; -- We got this far, it must be true, return how many were affected (1). return (purged_no); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; insert into class (class_id, date_updated, date_created, active) values (0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0); insert into class_backup (backup_id, class_id, date_updated, date_created, active, error_code) values (0, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, 'table creation'); drop function clean_text (text); CREATE FUNCTION clean_text (text) RETURNS text AS ' my $Text = shift; # Get rid of whitespace in front. $Text =~ s/^\\s+//; # Get rid of whitespace at end. $Text =~ s/\\s+$//; # Get rid of anything not text. $Text =~ s/[^ a-z0-9\\/\\`\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\-\\_\\=\\+\\\\\\|\[\\{\\]\\}\\;\\:\\''\\"\\,\\<\\.\\>\\?\\t\\n]//gi; # Replace all multiple whitespace with one space. $Text =~ s/\\s+/ /g; return $Text; ' LANGUAGE 'plperl'; -- Just do show you what this function cleans up. select clean_text (' ,./<>?aaa aa !@#$%^&*()_+| '); drop function clean_alpha (text); CREATE FUNCTION clean_alpha (text) RETURNS text AS ' my $Text = shift; $Text =~ s/[^a-z0-9_]//gi; return $Text; ' LANGUAGE 'plperl'; -- Just do show you what this function cleans up. select clean_alpha (' ,./<>?aaa aa !@#$%^&*()_+| '); drop function clean_numeric (text); CREATE FUNCTION clean_numeric (text) RETURNS int4 AS ' my $Text = shift; $Text =~ s/[^0-9]//gi; return $Text; ' LANGUAGE 'plperl'; -- Just do show you what this function cleans up. select clean_numeric (' ,./<>?aaa aa !@#$%^&*()_+| '); drop function clean_numeric (int4); CREATE FUNCTION clean_numeric (int4) RETURNS int4 AS ' my $Text = shift; $Text =~ s/[^0-9]//gi; return $Text; ' LANGUAGE 'plperl'; -- Just do show you what this function cleans up. select clean_numeric (11111); select sql_class_insert(); select sql_class_update(1,'2 hours', 'Introduction to Linux Part 1','This is a description of this class. Not much here so far.', 1); select sql_class_insert(); select sql_class_update(2,'3 hours', 'Introduction to Linux Part 2','This is a description of this class. Not much here so far.', 2); vacuum;