export prefix=__PREFIX__ export instance_dir=__INSTANCE_DIR__ export pid_file=$instance_dir/mysqld.pid export lock_file=$instance_dir/mysqld.lock cd $prefix if [ ! -e $pid_file ]; then echo "no pid file for mysql"; exit; fi mysqld_pid=`cat $pid_file` echo "Killing mysqld with pid $mysqld_pid" kill $mysqld_pid # mysqld should remove the pid_file when it exits, so wait for it. sleep 1 while [ -s $pid_file -a "$flags" != aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ] do flags=a$flags sleep 1 done if [ -s $pid_file ] then echo " gave up waiting!" elif [ -n "$flags" ] then echo " done" fi # delete lock for RedHat / SuSE if test -f $lock_file then rm -f $lock_file fi